Middle School
“The mission of [a Montessori-based Middle School] is to provide a smaller, more personalized experience for adolescents in order to gain self confidence and self knowledge, to belong to a community, to learn to be adaptable, to be academically competent and challenged, as well as to create a vision for their personal future that is empowering.” Montessori Synergies

The World Community Education Center Middle school (6th-8th grades equivalent) curriculum is designed to provide experiential learning while helping the student transition into the academically rigorous path to excellence in college. Students study core curriculum subjects such as:
- Math
- Writing
- Literature
- Foreign Language
- Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Arts
In addition, Middle students are introduced to the biology of learning and how to use this knowledge to develop individualized learning and study skills.
Building on their Montessori foundation, students continue their hands-on learning experiences, integrating skills development with content mastery through:
- plant study
- animal husbandry
- environmental studies
- biology, chemistry and physics projects
The interrelatedness of subjects in the world outside the classroom walls is explored through global environmental projects, community service in local non-profit greenhouses, and more extensive field trips to the wider community (e.g., Washington, D.C).
High School
High School is a time of great change in the life of a young person. The teachers and administrators of the World Community Education Center are committed to helping students make those changes a positive transformation, increasing students’ options along with their skills in making wise choices. The foundation is a college-preparatory curriculum combining knowledge acquisition with essential skill building.

Brain-compatible college preparatory classes are offered in
- English
- Science
- Information Technology
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- U.S. Government
- Arts
- Music
- Foreign Languages
Based on nationally-recognized best practices, these classes are tailored to the individual needs of the student. Communications skills development in such areas as public speaking and presentation design are an integral part of each course.
Synergy: Skill Building and College Counseling

Choosing a college and a career is usually the biggest decision students will have to make before becoming an adult. They need guidance in finding the best fit in a college and a career and help in developing the skills to achieve their best future.
High School students can take up to 3 credits a semester of Applied Metacognition (Synergy) where the neurobiology of learning is applied to learning- and study skills and integrated with college counseling. Taught individually or in small groups, this cutting-edge curriculum combines the development of academic skills such as textbook-reading and test-taking skills with executive functions such as time management, goal setting, and organization skills. In addition to guidance counseling, students receive help in preparing for SAT tests and writing college and scholarship application essays.
College Credit in High School
In partnership with Northern Virginia Community College’s Extended Learning Institute (ELI), World Community Education Center offers a broad range of Dual Enrollment classes. Qualifying students enroll in ELI online courses receiving college and high school credit at the same time. Motivated students can earn up to eighteen college credits during their junior and senior years at WCEC. Tutoring and academic coaching are provided for Dual Enrollment students by WCEC teachers.