Guidelines to Success

At World Community Montessori we strive to cultivate the following guidelines for our students to help them to thrive and excel in their lives. Read more about our philosophy.

Love of Learning:

We foster a love for learning and maintaining that excitement and spark throughout a student’s educational journey. Graduates continue to love learning and excel in their studies.

Love of Service:

We instill a sense of responsibility and service in students, guiding them to contribute to the classroom, the school, and the wider community. Students develop a desire to help and give back.

Universal Values:

We promote universal values such as love, compassion, kindness, justice, and generosity, while also fostering appreciation and respect for diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Quality Academic Experience:

We offer a balanced education that goes beyond academics, incorporating life skills, character development, critical thinking, and executive functions to prepare students for successful adulthood.

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