
“Knowledge can be best given where there is eagerness to learn, so this is the period when the seed of everything can be sown, the child’s mind being like a fertile field, ready to receive what will germinate into culture.”  -Maria Montessori

Upper Elementary (ages 9 – 12)

Grades 4 – 6

The work of the lower elementary continues into the upper elementary classroom. The child continues to follow their interests in the cultural subjects of geography, history, and science, but now is capable of using the skills attained in the lower elementary classroom and their ability to work on a more abstract level to pursue these interests in more depth.

Continuing throughout the upper elementary years with many of the same teachers helps the child identify and enhance academic strengths and meet challenges with confidence.

  • The core subject of mathematics is extended into pre-algebra and geometry.
  • Language flows into literature, research writing and grammar and poetry.
  • Science expands  into chemistry, biology, and cultural studies.
  • The curriculum is enriched with foreign languages (Spanish, French, Arabic, Japanese), technology, art, music, and physical education.
  • Computer technology includes keyboarding and projects involving PowerPoint presentations, guided research, word processing, and spreadsheets.
Exploration in the classroom is a part of active learning and spontaneous involvement

Upper elementary is a time for taking greater responsibility. Students are always willing to help the lower elementary students, perhaps with cleaning a fish tank or explaining a math concept.  They help take care of the school grounds, the vegetable and flower gardens, and the school facility. They also participate in service projects to the greater community outside of the school.

They learn about animal care in a class on animal husbandry with nearby friendly donkeys. They learn to plan and carry out complex “Going Out” trips such as an excursion to Poplar Forest, the Roanoke art museum, or the local recycling center.

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